วันเสาร์ที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Wedding Songs For Church Wedding Ceremonies

It can be tricky enough to find the perfect song for your wedding, but finding one also proper for a church can be extra difficult. But not if you supervene these guidelines.

Just to be clear, in this article, by "song", I mean a piece of vocal music rather than the coarse definition ("any piece of music").

What makes a good wedding song for church ceremonies?

Here are some things to think when choosing wedding songs for church ceremonies.

Most importantly: Is the song proper for church use?

A basic test for church appropriateness:

Is the focus of the song on God or Christ's love for us? Does the song at least mention "God" and ideally "Christ"?

Also important: Is the song proper for a wedding?

One might be tempted to use a tear-jerker because of the noteworthy emotions involved, but this isn't proper for a wedding. Despite some people's tendency to cry, a wedding ceremony is a joy-filled occasion! Don't confuse emotion with appropriateness.

In one wedding I played for, the bride wanted to use the song "Time to Say Goodbye" while a part of the ceremony. Regardless of either it's a good song, saying goodbye has nothing to do with a wedding ceremony.

Watch out for

We caution against songs that are overtly romantic or consist of only vague mentions of "love". As discussed above, songs should be Christian in nature. Vague references to love or romance don't focus on God's love for us and instead place the focus on ourselves (not the point of a church wedding ceremony).

Also watch out for songs that seem to be more about entertainment than expression of a specific concept. Music in a church wedding is not about entertainment or showcasing your vocalist's talents. It should be about expressing our reaction to God's love.

Make sure that your vocalist can sing what you choose! The range and skill level of your vocalist are important factors not to be overlooked. Don't wait until the last wee to find out that you have a problem.

Planning details not to overlook

Unless your chosen song(s) will be sung a capella (the vocalist singing alone), make sure your together with musician(s) are given the music ahead of time (unless they already have it) and that they can play it. Be sure that the vocalist and accompanist find time to characterize together. Contribute both the vocalist and accompanist with each other's names and phone numbers (or e-mail addresses) and make sure that at least one exercise occurs.

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